Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More heat, more accidents

Proper vehicle maintenance need of the hour

AS SUMMER reaches its peak, cautious driving and special care for vehicles becomes very essential for preventing accidents, according to experts.
During the warm weather people should make sure that their vehicles engine, tyres and cooling systems are in proper condition.
Checking tyre pressure, coolant, changing oil, oil filters, air filters, belts, brake pads, brake fluids in time and careful driving in heat are recommended by experts.
Heat can destroy batteries, stress the cooling system and tires in warm weather.
The roads and the engines get heated up excessively, the mental stress of the drivers becomes too much thereby increasing the possibility of accidents in summer.
Although overspeeding, neglecting traffic rules and reckless driving are counted as the main reasons for accidents.
Other factors like danger of getting engine fire, tyre burning, broken windshields are some among the other risks of vehicles in peak summer.
The drivers should check the temperature of the vehicle and drive with concentration, that can prevent many accidents.
Mehmood, who is handling motor for the last 17 years in an Insurance Company said tyres related and windshield damages claim increases in summer.
Tyres keep everything on the road and the high temperatures put added stress on them.
The heat causes the pressure within a tyre to rise and it gets blast claims for new vehicles are very frequent in summer, he added.
Manosh Puthalath, the owner of Al Tasmeyah Auto Maintenance Work Shop in Sharjah said, “One of the main reasons for vehicle accident and breakdown in summer is radiator problems.
The cooling system works harder in summer than other climate to prevent overheating of the engine.
” According to Manosh, radiator cleaning and changing the damaged hoses connecting the radiator to the engine are the must for the smooth working of cooling system effectively.
He added that several vehicles are coming to the workshop with the complaints of cooling system in hot temperatures.
Proper care and maintenance of the vehicle, careful driving in summer reduce the number of accidents and safeguard the vehicles.

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